Friday, August 7, 2009

The Quest for Normal

Growing up I always felt like the odd ball of the family - the one that never quite fit in. I was fine with that title because I was always more comfortable in my own world then in the one in which I lived. It's not that I didn't get along with everyone. For the most part I did, but for whatever reason, I always felt like the outsider.

I don't blame anyone for this. You can't help the way you feel and I always felt just a little disconnected from the rest. However, the older I got and the more aware I became of the behavior of others, I realized that when it came to my family - I was the normal one.

Then I met my wife. Her family made mine look like a Norman Rockwell painting. Well...not quite. Let's just say that they took strange behavior to levels that I had yet to experience. Then again, some of their antics were nothing compared to the off-the-wall co-workers, bosses and clients that I would have to deal with in the coming years.

So what exactly is normal? Maybe it's time to investigate.

According to the dictionary, normal means, "refers to a lack of significant deviation from the average."

Okay. So...what is average? My same source tells me that average is, "the typical normal amount of quality."

Do I dare look up quality? I don't think so. All of this will probably just lead me in circles. Anyway, do I really need to find out that after all these years I'm probably not as normal as I think I am?

1 comment:

Judy said...

Norman Rockwell? Really???? I think not.