Sunday, August 30, 2009

Sarah Palin, I'm Sorry, But...

This hurts, but I guess I owe Sarah Palin an apology. Here's the story.

When she announced that she was leaving her position as governor of Alaska, I was convinced I knew why. I really thought it was because she was going to be on "Dancing with the Stars." It's the only thing that made sense to me. I figured she would use that popular television show to build up a fan base before the next election. I was so sure of this, that I even made a bet with my wife. The loser would have to take the other one out to dinner at this expensive restaurant that we both like.

Well, I lost the bet. Sarah Palin didn't stoop as low as I thought she would, and so for that, I apologize to her.

Now I am not one of these people that just jumps on the popular bandwagon. There is only one person that has made me dislike Sarah Palin and that one person is Sarah Palin. I watched with an open mind the vice-president debate, and what I saw made my jaw drop.

Here was a woman that was running for the second most important position in our country and she approached it with memorized answers and forced, down-home phrases that I'm sure were meant to be charming, but came across sleazy and uninformed. I felt like I was watching a woman who was running for student council and I found that very disturbing.

After the debate, it then appeared that she just wanted the spotlight. She reminded me (and still does) of a reality TV show contestant, which is why I figured her new strategy was "Dancing with the Stars."

So, Sarah Palin, I'm sorry that I thought your motives where below what they actually were. However, I will still never vote for you.

I am a firm believer in the phrase "never say never," but in the case of Sarah Palin, I have made an exception.

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