Saturday, August 15, 2009

The Mike Show: Episode 2 - Boy on the Bus

It's time for another look back into the strange world of bizarre occurrences that have plagued me my entire life.

It was around 1976. I was on a bus to Tennessee to visit an old friend. The bus stopped somewhere in southern Illinois to pick up more passengers. A mentally retarded boy got on the bus and sat next to me. (I know that "mentally challenged" is the politically correct way to describe this boy, but this was 1976 and we did not talk like that back then).

Anyway, this is what happened about thirty minutes into the ride.

BOY: You have nice hair.

MIKE: Uh...thank you.

BOY: Can I pet your hair?

MIKE: Uh...ok.

(The boy starts petting Mike's hair)

BOY: I don't feel good.

(The boy throws up all over Mike)

MIKE: Uh...bus driver?

This true story is just a small clip from my life and there are many more to come. Just keep checking this blog for The Mike Show.

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