Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Music Without Instruments

There is no need to have an iPod, CD player, radio or live band to hear music. All one has to do is to listen to the sounds around them and hear a symphony of a different kind. And depending on where a person is, that concert can take one anywhere from imagination to relaxation to contemplation to sleep.

Whether it be a thunder storm on a Friday night, birds singing in the morning, children playing in a park, the hum of a furnace or air conditioner, a dish washer, traffic, a conversation, stong wind or even silence, there is music all around at all times.

And like traditional music, all is not to one's liking. A jackhammer, a baby crying, a loud muffler, sirens, dogs barking and other sounds can often put one on edge - just like certain types of music can.

These are the sounds of life - the oldest form of music, and they come in various jingles for all of us to experience in any way we choose.

1 comment:

Judy said...

Wow, Mike, that's true! Those crickets outside my window have been nice to listen to, the cicadas not so much!