Tuesday, September 29, 2009

The Holy Robots

When I was younger I was always annoyed at church by the people that would be one step ahead of everyone else. You know, the ones that stand up or sit down a half second before the rest of the congregation, or are a few words ahead during the "Our Father."

I used to feel that these people were showing off and that for some reason, they felt that praying was a race and the first one to finish would be rewarded in the end. I don't think that way anymore.

I have lately started to observe the people that get ahead of the Sunday morning church crowd. I have come to the conclusion that these are not people showing off. No, they are rather people caught up in the church routine. They know the words and actions inside out. They know them to the point that they are responding without thinking, without feeling, without knowing what it is they are even saying or doing.

And I sometimes have to wonder if that is worse than showing off.

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