Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Good, Bad Or...

Every once in a while I am reminded of the behavior of people. It amazes me how some can be so generous and giving while others cruel, self-centered and downright mean. What amazes me more, though, are the people that are neither.

Sadly, I and many others I know fall into the "neither" category. We love, we laugh, we care and we give, but all of that is often just within our little circle of family and friends.

Every service organization is always in need of volunteers. Whether it be homeless shelters, food banks, or numerous others, there is always someone that could use the help of others. On the rare occasions that I have offered my services I have felt tremendous pride and inner peace for the time I committed to the less fortunate. It seems, however, that I always have an excuse to never go back and help again.

I guess that makes me neither good or bad - just ordinary. What about you?

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