Friday, December 11, 2009

Tiger Woods And Celebrity Worship: My Two Cents

I've said this before and I'll say it again and again and again.

NEVER put athletes and entertainers on a pedestal. One can admire their talents, but why idolize a person without even knowing them? People do this all of the time and quite frankly this behavior is very shallow.

Here's a novel idea. If you want to look up to someone, why don't you start with a family member or friend or co-worker - at least someone you know. And if you don't know anyone with qualities that you want to admire - then maybe you, yourself could become the person that others can look up too.

I'm sure there are athletes and celebrities out there that are good, honest people, but if you don't know them personally, then how do you really know? You certainly can't believe what you read because famous people have the money and the power to create their own image whether it's real or not. Sorry Mister Woods, but you are a perfect example of this.

If more people would stop idolizing the famous, then maybe these celebrities would stop getting these ridiculous salaries and the money that these sponsors shell out could go to something a little more important than an expensive mansion that nobody really needs. This would also free up news programs that seem to think that the rich and famous are news worthy every hour of every day.

It's great to enjoy the talents of a certain athelete or entertainer, but to admire someone that you don't know personally? Come on, get real.

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