Monday, February 8, 2010

To Catch A Ghost, Part 1

My cat Willy died several months ago, but I believe his ghost is still hanging around the house. Most mornings my wife thinks that she hears him walking down the stairs and I have often times thought that I heard him playing with his toys in the other room. Also, late at night I often feel him jump onto the bed and go to sleep beside me, just like he did almost every night while he was living.

When Willy was alive, he always seemed to have a connection with outside forces. He would bat at unseen objects and would constantly cry at a blank wall as if something were inside it. Now that he's gone, it almost feels like he's joined that invisible world that he always seemed to be a part of.

My first clue to all of this was right after he died. We had decided that we were done with pets and we threw out all of the cat toys. That night I put the garbage out on the curb like I always do, but in the morning I noticed that many of the cat toys were scattered all over the yard. What made this interesting was that not all of them were out of the trash - only the ones that Willy always played with.

I gathered them up and threw them away again. The next morning, those same cat toys were scattered all over the yard has if they had been played with. This time, I decided to keep a couple of those toys.

Those toys have been sitting in my desk for several months, and I feel it's now time to get them out. Tonight I plan on putting them is different places in the house. The next morning, if Willy is a ghost, the toys should be in a different spot.

I don't know what I'm expecting, but I know what I'm hoping for. Check this blog soon for the results.


Judy said...

Sooo???? What happened???

Mike Trippiedi said...

It's a several day experiment. You'll have to wait.