Friday, December 18, 2009

The Mystery Of Christmas

It's Christmas time once again.

It's that time when Atheist's celebrate a religious holiday and the believers celebrate a birthday that happened in July.

It's that time when good hard-working people often spend money they don't have on a gift they really don't want to buy because they couldn't find the gift that they were really looking for in the first place.

It's that time when we reflect on the mistakes of the past year, with the knowledge that we will most likely make them again.

However, it's also that time where the words peace, good will and family take on a special meaning - a meaning that often gets lost come January.

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

The Magic Inside Us

My father has been dead for over ten years now. And yet I see him often and speak with him frequently. It happens at night when I'm sleeping. It happens when I dream.

Everytime I have a dream that includes my family, my father is always in it as if he had never died. Apparently my sub-conscious thinks he's still alive, or in denial, or something of that nature. Whatever it is, it has been occuring at least once a month for over ten years.

 I can't remember any of those dreams now, but when I have them they are so vivid that I always awake thinking that he is still around. After a moment or two I realize it was all a dream.

This doesn't make me sad. It makes me happy - happy to be with him again. It might be in the form of a dream, but they feel like the real thing. And I'll take that over nothing any day.

Monday, December 14, 2009

The Choices Of Yesterday

Some people just have bad reputations. There is usually a reason for this. Most always it's self-inflicted - like making a mistake and then repeating it. Or it could be as simple as choosing the wrong people to hang out with.

Whatever the reason, these things happen. And more often than not, they happen to regular people. Most, eventually learn from the bad choices they made in the past, but sometimes that learning comes too late.

It's never too late, however, to start over. One must realize, though, that a reputation damaged (no matter who or what is to blame) has its consequences and might just take a lifetime to repair. It's the choices we make that deterimine our real future - and ultimately, our own happiness.

Friday, December 11, 2009

Tiger Woods And Celebrity Worship: My Two Cents

I've said this before and I'll say it again and again and again.

NEVER put athletes and entertainers on a pedestal. One can admire their talents, but why idolize a person without even knowing them? People do this all of the time and quite frankly this behavior is very shallow.

Here's a novel idea. If you want to look up to someone, why don't you start with a family member or friend or co-worker - at least someone you know. And if you don't know anyone with qualities that you want to admire - then maybe you, yourself could become the person that others can look up too.

I'm sure there are athletes and celebrities out there that are good, honest people, but if you don't know them personally, then how do you really know? You certainly can't believe what you read because famous people have the money and the power to create their own image whether it's real or not. Sorry Mister Woods, but you are a perfect example of this.

If more people would stop idolizing the famous, then maybe these celebrities would stop getting these ridiculous salaries and the money that these sponsors shell out could go to something a little more important than an expensive mansion that nobody really needs. This would also free up news programs that seem to think that the rich and famous are news worthy every hour of every day.

It's great to enjoy the talents of a certain athelete or entertainer, but to admire someone that you don't know personally? Come on, get real.

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Mistletoe And Me

Movies and ones own imagination make mistletoe very romantic. In my single days I would daydream of meeting a beautiful stranger at a Christmas party. In this daydream we would suddenly discover that we were standing under the mistletoe and then look lovingly into each others eyes before that first memorable kiss.

When I was around eighteen I had the opportunity to make this daydream a reality. I was at probably my first party that didn't include high school kids that I knew. In fact I hardly knew anyone. Many of the people there were older (twenties) and there were a lot of attractive women.

It was Christmas time and everyone was in a festive mood. I started talking to this young woman. I was shy and at that age if a woman spoke to me I instantly liked her.

I felt that the conversation was going smoothly, although the entire time I kept wondering to myself what I would talk about next. My gut feeling was that there was no chemistry between us, but I ignored that because she was not only pretty, but talking to me as well.

And that's when I noticed it. We were standing right below the mistletoe. I knew right then and there that this was the opportunity of a lifetime. I took advantage of a pause in the conversation and remember saying to this woman in my best romantic voice, "Do you realize that we're standing under the mistletoe?"

What happened next will stay with me forever. She looked me right in the eye and said, "Well then, I guess we better move." And so we did.

It was an early lesson in heartbreak, brought on by my own imagination.

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Sexy Underwear

Years ago I knew a guy who would shower his girlfriend with gifts for every occassion. Whether it be her birthday, Valentines Day, Christmas or any type of anniversary one could come up with, he would spend a lot of money on her with all types of presents.

Among all of the gifts she would recieve, one gift was always some sort of sexy underwear.

One day I pointed out to him that sexy underwear is not really a gift for her, it's more of a gift for him.

His reply was something I will always remember. He said:

"If she puts on the sexy underwear and it's comfortable, then it is a gift for her. If it is uncomfortable, then it is a gift for me."

This kind of makes sense in an odd sort of way.

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

The Last Laugh

I'm old enough to remember watching The Beatles when they made their American debut on the Ed Sullivan Show way back in the early 1960's. I remember me and my family all gathered around the television and the reactions all of us had as we saw John, Paul, George and Ringo for the very first time.

We had never seen or heard anything like The Beatles before and our initial reaction was to laugh - and that's what we did.

Years later I was in a movie theatre and they showed a preview for this new movie called "Star Wars." It looked really silly, and I remember everyone in the theatre laughing all the way through the trailer.

Several years later you could not turn on your televsion set without seeing the ads for a new station dedicated to just music. Everywhere you went you heard "I want my MTV." And of course, we laughed.

All of this kind of makes you wonder what the future holds for the people and things we are laughing at today.

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Good, Bad Or...

Every once in a while I am reminded of the behavior of people. It amazes me how some can be so generous and giving while others cruel, self-centered and downright mean. What amazes me more, though, are the people that are neither.

Sadly, I and many others I know fall into the "neither" category. We love, we laugh, we care and we give, but all of that is often just within our little circle of family and friends.

Every service organization is always in need of volunteers. Whether it be homeless shelters, food banks, or numerous others, there is always someone that could use the help of others. On the rare occasions that I have offered my services I have felt tremendous pride and inner peace for the time I committed to the less fortunate. It seems, however, that I always have an excuse to never go back and help again.

I guess that makes me neither good or bad - just ordinary. What about you?