Thursday, November 5, 2009

Thank You, Baseball

Finally, a steriod free baseball season. And what a difference it made. The sport was actually fun again. For the past several years, I had pretty much given up on baseball. I followed it some, but not like I used too. For me it had become a game a overpaid cheaters. Steroid use was obvious by the un-natural blown-up bodies of many of the players, which took the thrill of the game away from me.

The 2009 season was different. It was players like Aaron Hill, Ben Zobrist, Troy Tulowitzki, Carl Crawford, Jason Werth and Pablo Sandoval just to name a few that brought fire back to the game. And this past season if you followed the Yankees, Red Sox, Rays, Blue Jays, Angels, Rangers, Phillies, Marlins, Braves, Cardinals, Dodgers, Rockies or Giants you saw Baseball in all its exciting glory.

I would like to think that the days of cheating in Baseball are over, but I'm sure there's another drug lurking around the corner. If that's the case, hopefully it will be taken care of immediately, unlike the shameful way steriod use was handled. Live and learn, I guess.

My hat goes off to the New York Yankees and their World Series win. People love to hate them, but they were clearly the best team in baseball this past season. And speaking as a fan of the sport, they were very impressive to watch. I'm looking forward to next season and all of the surprises that it will bring.

Welcome back, Baseball. It's good to have you "clean" again.

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