Thursday, October 1, 2009

My School

I went to Lincoln Grade School, Edison Jr. High, Champaign Central High School and Parkland College. All of those schools contributed to me learning social and academic skills. They didn't prepare me for the real world, though. I had to go to a different school for that.

That learning institute was called The School of Hard Knocks. The only requirement that you need to succeed in this school is the willinginess to laugh, love, dream, get angry, hurt and cry.

It's the only school I know of where failure and disappointment can lead to more knowledge. I recommend this school. It's not easy, but it will help you prepare for the erratic behavior of life.

1 comment:

Kristen Johnson said...

Mike, I am reading this as I pour over books, summaries, reflections, midterms, and group projects. I know that what I am doing is stressing me to the limit, when I really believe I am learning nothing but a due date. You are very right when you say that the best lessons are not learned in school. Thanks for helping me get my bearings for a moment.