Thursday, October 8, 2009

The Hassles Of Avoiding The Flu

Apparently, my local medical community wants me to get the flu, for they have been no help what-so-ever in my inquiries about flu shots.

It started last night when I called my local convenient care. The conversation went something like this.

ME: Hi, I was wondering where I need to go to get a flu shot.

C. CARE: We don't do that here.

ME: Can you tell me where I can go?

C. CARE: Look on our web site.

ME: You can't just tell me where I can get a flu shot?

C. CARE: It's in our brochure. You can come by and pick one up.

I didn't bother talking to this man anymore, as it was clear he didn't want to help me. So I then went to the web site, which I might add, was very confusing. I found a number to the Flu Clinic, so I called it. The conversation went like this.

ME: Hi, I need some information on where I can get a flu shot.

FLU CLINIC: Do you have a primary doctor?

ME: Yes, I do.

FLU CLINIC: Then call him.

Well, I'm no dummy. I would have called my doctor in the first place, but I remember last year he sent me to a local flu clinic, so I didn't think he needed to be bothered. Anyway, I called the office of my primary doctor. Here is how the conversation went.

ME: Hi, can I make an appointment to get a flu shot?

NURSE: No. You need to go to a flu clinic.

ME: I just called a flu clinic and they told me to call you.

NURSE: That's because everyone is out of shots. Call back next week.

I guess I have to wait. I did notice a sign at my local Walgreens for flu shots. Maybe I'll just go there. After all, they are a "drug" store.

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