Monday, January 18, 2010

The Facebook Curse

At my age, Facebook is a great tool to find and reconnect with long, lost friends.

However, at my age it's also one of the most annoying, addicting, time-wasting creations known to man. And yet, I still find myself each day prying into the lives of those who wish to share their every mundane thought.

On rare occassions I'l get a good laugh, or learn something worthwhile about someone, but most of the time I find myself just shaking my head, for more times than not I learn things about people that I would rather not know.

Through their own words, I have discovered through Facebook that certain family members and friends are immature, insecure, shallow, in constant need of attention, or just plain clueless.

Ultimately, it's my choice on whether or not to endure this torture, so I try to keep quiet, which for me isn't always easy. However, until I have the courage and strength to just walk away from Facebook, I guess I'll have to just keep shaking my head.

1 comment:

Unknown said...


You seem to be active and engaged. My sister sent me a link about my father, Tom Schoendienst, a few days ago. Thank you for your words in the News-Gazette over 3 years ago concerning my father as the voice of the fighting Illini. I know many others have followed, and maybe have been better. Tom Jones has communicated to me that the business has changed dramatically over the last 40 years. I am well aware of the challenges in the media business, and I am proud that my father was a pioneer in radio and TV sports announcing. In any case, thanks again.

I agree with your views about face book. For now, I refuse to join. However, I know I'm missing out on a number of lost contacts.

Jim Schoendienst
767 Pilot