Friday, December 3, 2010

Thanks For Your Loyalty, Mister Santo

When I think of my childhood, I think of Ron Santo. This goes way back to the 1960's when a neighbor boy asked me if I was a Cubs fan or a Cardinal fan. I had always been a fan of Baseball and didn't know I had to choose sides - something I still don't understand. Anyway, I couldn't give my friend an instant answer, so I told him I would sleep on it and get back to him.

I decided that since the Cubs were from Chicago and I lived in Illinois, then I would be loyal to my state, so I proudly told my friend that I was a Chicago Cubs fan. And now some four decades later I remain one.

The Cubs had some pretty good players back then, which included three future hall of famers and one guy that played just as good, but for some reason or another never quite made it into that exclusive club. That player, of course, was Ron Santo and his sixty decade love for his team is what inspired me most about him.

To me, Mister Santo was more than just a good ballplayer and passionate announcer. Instead, I looked at him as an embassador of loyalty. In this day and age of "me first," it was always nice to look at a man who sincerely cared about an orgainization that gave him his start.

All of us can learn a lot from Ron Santo's loyalty. And not just for our favorite sports team, for it goes much deeper than that. It starts with the people that shaped us into who we are today like teachers, family members, spouses, mentors, bosses and the list goes on and on. It's important that we remember these things and sad that it often takes death to remind us of what really matters. Thanks, Mister Santo, for when I think of your life, it gets me back on course.

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